Qualities of a Magnetic Personality

Each human being is a medium through which God’s magnetism flows, but people allow many things to obstruct that magnetism, and very few people are truly magnetic. However, the right kind of magnetism can be developed.

We may hear someone say, “Oh, I met a friend who is so magnetic; he inspired me and uplifted my consciousness.” This is the kind of magnetic power that we all want – attracting, uplifting and expansive. This type of magnetism does not depend on outward physical attractiveness. It is determined by our habitual attitudes and actions.

To become magnetic to others, you must make yourself attractive from within. Someone with a magnetic personality is sincere, kind, accepting, and possessed of great self-control – qualities that produce a good effect on oneself and other people. Positive behavior, control of speech, and kind words are qualities which clothe a person with right kind of magnetism.

Sincerity and truthfulness

Sincerity is a quality of all highly magnetic souls. All the great ones – Jesus, Buddha, Babaji – possess this quality. Many people, to gain fame or outward success in the world, sacrifice their sincerity and self-respect, but they never derive real satisfaction from the achievement of their longed-for goals. Human nature is many-sided and demands all-around development, which includes being sincere and truthful at all times.

Be sincere with all and above all, be sincere with yourself. Watch your thoughts to be sure they are right. When your thoughts are right, sincere and helpful words, and good deeds, will naturally follow. When you talk to others, don’t talk too much about yourself. Try to speak on a subject that interests the other person, and when that person speaks, listen with sincere attention.

Carry the vibration of sincerity with you wherever you go. People will feel this vibration. Sincere, sweet words are nectar to thirsty souls.They contribute to the happiness of people in the home, in social outings, in churches, and in business offices.

Above all, never forget to smile, not the mask-like smile without truth and sincerity behind it, but the sincere, radiant smile that comes from a light, joyful heart, which belongs only to the “good” and cannot be worn by the wicked. Learn to emanate sincere smiles and to wear the glow of sincerity on your face.

Consideration for others

Consideration for others is a wonderful quality and gives you great magnetism. Practice it! Consideration for others means being aware of them, listening to them, and being attentive to their needs. Try to develop an intuitive awareness of the needs of others.

Let your supreme goal be to make others happy in order to gain happiness for yourself. Take a genuine interest in the problems and concerns of others. Every time you meet a receptive human being, make him feel your interest in his physical, mental, and spiritual welfare. Never neglect to do whatever you can for yourself in the forms of others. Live by the principle, “Each for all and all for each.” In getting for yourself, you must get for others too.

Remember that whatever you do attracts those same actions to yourself. If you set the example of selfishness, people will practice selfishness on you, but whatever you freely give to others with love, yields an ever-increasing harvest of happiness. Find happiness in helping whoever crosses your path.

Once a certain well-known teacher in India was invited to participate in a religious congress in Chicago. He and fifteen of his followers were coming through Los Angeles on their way to Chicago. I invited him to Mount Washington, where we prepared a great banquet for them. At the last moment, there came a telegram from him in Hawaii. He had felt the inspiration, suddenly, to return to India. No master would have behaved in such a way!

People would do well to understand that the masters do not behave erratically, even though they are guided by the flow of inspiration. In dealing with this world, they honor its ways. And they are ever true to their word. Moreover, if they are obliged to mix socially with others, they are considerate of people’s feelings.

Self-control and peace-loving behavior

Exercise extreme vigilance in maintaining your self-control at all times.You must be able to put on at will the apparel of your best disposition whenever you come across people with combative mentalities. Above all, be so peaceful that nobody can get your goat. Even when tempted to speak harshly, control that impulse and speak calmly instead. Be prepared to speak the truth when asked, but always do so in a kind, considerate manner.

It is human weakness to get angry and scold, but it shows divine strength to be able to hold the reins over the wild steeds of your temper and speech. No matter what the provocation may be, behave yourself and by calm silence or genuinely kind words, show that your kindness is more powerful than the other person’s ugliness.

Civility, heartfelt courtesy, and continuous good will are the panacea for all bad behavior. You can teach your quick-tempered friends and dear ones to mend their faults through the example of your own magnetic, peace-loving behavior a million times better than by harsh words. If you remain even-minded by holding a calm disposition and, at the same time, are both forgiving and firm in your own principles, then you will inspire the wrong-doers to reform themselves.

Like attracts like

I can never thank my guru enough for constantly saying to me, “Learn to behave.” It is easy to see the faults of others but very difficult to see your own faults and to conduct yourself properly. If you can find your own faults without developing an inferiority complex, and can keep busy correcting yourself, then you will be using your time much more profitably than wishing others to be better. Your good example will do more to change others than your words or wishful thinking.

Like attracts like. Whatever you want others to be, first be that yourself, then you will find others responding in like manner to you. If you want to be loved, start loving others who need your love. If you expect others to be honest with you, then start being honest yourself. If you want others to sympathize with you, start showing sympathy to those around you. If you want to be respected, you must learn to be respectful to everyone, both young and old. If you want a display of peace from others, you must be peaceful yourself.

Practice developing those qualities that are weak or lacking in yourself. Take one quality at a time, such as even-mindedness and self-control. You can use a suitable affirmation and repeat it regularly to help implant the new, more magnetic quality in your consciousness.

Avoid ego-inspired attitudes

Ego-inspired attitudes and actions obstruct the free flow of one’s energy and are demagnetizing. The mental habit of criticizing others, regardless of whether the criticism is gentle or severe, has a darkening effect on the consciousness and drags a person down into greater delusion. When you occupy your mind with an unholy interest in the failings of others, you also rouse and stimulate your own pre-natal bad habits.

Try not to give in to moods. The darkness of moods will invariably be reflected in your facial expressions. The best cure for a bad mood is to try to do something that will raise your energy level and put you in a good mood. Always stay away from people in ugly moods, to prevent them from spreading to you their epidemic of disharmony.

Dissolve all inharmonious vibrations

Divine magnetism is the power of all powers. By meditating regularly, you become increasingly charged with the pure magnetism of Spirit. When you meditate and live in the consciousness that you are a child of the Divine, you gradually dissolve all inharmonious emotions and vibrations within yourself.

Always keep in tune with the inner divine magnetic power. When your prayer bursts from your heart and God gives up His vow of silence and speaks to you — you will have gained divine magnetism.